The Finksburg News

 Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc. Newsletter


To Promote A Finksburg Community,

Whose Objective Is To Preserve The Fundamental Quality Of Life Where Farms, Families And Businesses

 May Coexist In A Manner Beneficial To All


Carroll County: An island nation?

Carroll County is a member of the Baltimore Metropolitan Council.          What does that really mean?


Where Goeth the Finksburg Plan?


Next General Meeting Date of the Finksburg Planning Area Council:   Thursday, May 23th at 7 PM

Where: Sandymount United Methodist Church Meeting Hall, 2101 Old Westminster Pike, Finksburg

 “An informed citizenry behaves in an informed manner,

An uninformed citizenry … well they get what they deserve.”


April Meeting: Several members of the Finksburg Planning Area Council participated in the two recent workshops with County Planners on the Finksburg Corridor Plan. We will have a briefing on the results survey that was taken at those meetings at this May meeting

Carroll County: Island Nation or Regional player? Although Carroll is a voting member of the Baltimore Metrolpoitan Council, our politicians frequently act as if Carroll were an island unto itself. We will have two speakers at this May meetimg to address the importance of Carroll County’s role in regional politics and planning. Steve Beck from the Baltimore Regional Partnership will speak about initiatives by the Baltimore Regional Partnership,, which includes organizations such as the 1000 Friends of Maryland, the Chesapeake bay Foundation, and the Citizens Planning and Housing Association. Ms. Phyllis Black will brief us on the upcoming Rally for the Region to be held at the Baltimore Civic Center on June 6th.

Commissioner’s Scorecard: You spoke, we listened. Here is the latest scorecard on the County Commissioner’s performance.





October 2001

April 2002

Responsiveness to Council



Water Resources Management*






Planning / Managed Growth



County Roads



Billboards / sign issues



Master Plan



Open Government






Land Preservation









Parks / Open space



* This category was previously “Ratification of the Watershed Protection Agreement”



Subdivision News:

Seven Eleven Convenience Store: to be located at the intersection of Bethel Road and Rt. 140. FPAC has concerns about a new traffic configuration which may prove impossible for area farmers to use as well as aesthetic impacts such as a sign which is twice the size necessary. Planning Commission approval of the Site Plan is being sought on Tuesday May 21st.


Banner Sophomore Edition . Our new full size community newspaper will be mailed to every Finksburg residence and business in July. Everyone is encouraged to contribute articles, photos and advertisements to our quarterly newspaper. All advertisements and articles must be submitted by June 1st. Call Dennis Broderick with any contributions @ 410-833-4255.


Billboards: Enough is enough! The Commissioners have flatly rejected the County Gateway Committee’s report and refused to stop the construction of any new billboards in the County. There are now almost as many vacant, peeling signs in Finksburg as there are signs in good repair. The Finksburg Board of Directors has given up hope on this Board of Commissioners doing anything positive about our community image and are now recommending to members that they not patronize any business or product advertised on any billboard. We urge members to tell the merchants who advertise on billboards that they have lost your business because of their ads.


Reach a Board Member:

Debbie Ridgely


(410) 239-7840





John Lopez

Vice President

(410) 239-6820

Wilfred Hoff

Board Member at Large

(410) 848-6989

 Doris Edwards


(410) 876-1278

Marilyn Caple

Board Member at Large

(410) 840-2826

Martin Schmidt


(410) 526-6685

Dan Bleclic

Board Member at Large

(410) 840-9302

 Neil Ridgely

Communications Director

(410) 239-7840

Maureen Ackerman

Board Member at Large

(410) 848-1318

ü       Save a Stamp: Receive your newsletter electronically. Send your e-mail address to

ü       Mark Your Calendar: General Council meetings are the 4th Thursday of the month at the Sandy Mount United Methodist Church. Meetings begin at 7 PM. Board meetings are usually held on the 1st Wednesday of each month. The next Board meeting will be held on June 5, 2002 and General Meetings on May 23rd  and June 27th .

ü       Directions to the Meetings: From the West take Rte 140 East to the intersection at Sandymount Rd. Turn South (right) on   Sandymount to the Stop sign. The Church is immediately to your left, straight across from the Stop.

 From the East take Rte 140 West to the intersection at Sandymount Rd. Turn South (left) on Sandymount Road to the Stop sign. The Church is immediately to your left, straight across from the Stop.


Yearly Membership Fee: $10 per Household, $25 per business

______ I would like to join the Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc. a not-for-profit organization.

______ I would like to renew my membership. (Dues and donations not tax deductible)

______ Yes, I would also like to volunteer. (Board membership, roadside trash pickup, county meeting attendance, etc.)

______ I would like to make an additional donation of $______________ to the Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc.


Address _____________________________________

City ___________________________      Zip______________________

Phone ____________________    Work phone_____________________  



Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc.      P O Box 70      Finksburg, Maryland      21048